Robyn Kaufman, MACDDS President Elect presented Becky with a plaque and had the following words of appreciation:
Becky started as President Elect in April 2019, when Kyle had to step up early to serve as President and then she started her term as President in November 2019 when Kyle left.
MACDDS was very fortunate to have Becky at the helm through the challenges and transitions we have faced in 2020.
In the second year of our new governance structure, Becky grew a culture within MACDDS of transparency and trust through her open communication and active listening that has been key to the success of this new structure.
While working out the process of the governance structure, 2020 also brought challenges to each of us in the way of budget cuts, the DSP workforce crisis and most of all the pandemic.
Becky’s calm, kind and supportive leadership through this year was just what we all needed to make it through this crisis – she helped us remember that, “This too shall pass”. Becky also was timely in sharing information and resources we needed to ensure business and service continuity.
In addition to challenges, we have faced transitions including the transition of continuing operations without an Executive Director, staff or an office. Becky’s hard work, organizational skills and action plan focus were invaluable during this time.
Under her leadership and collaborative nature, our partnerships and relationships continued to strengthen with DMH, MARF and other stakeholders.
I have truly enjoyed learning from and working closely with Becky as President Elect since late 2019. While she has done so much as President—I know she will continue to have a positive impact on MACDDS through service on the board and participation in the MARF strategic alliance initiative. Thanks Becky for your leadership and dedication!