In 1969, the Missouri State Legislature passed Senate Bill 40, enabling legislation (205.968 through 205.972 RSMo.) that is designed to allow individual counties in Missouri to approve a property tax levy to provide support to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in areas of residential, employment, and related services. This tax levy is administered by a local county board that is commonly referred to as a Senate Bill 40 board, an SB40 board, a county board, or a developmental disability resource board.
Organized in 1979, the Missouri Association of County Developmental Disabilities Services (MACDDS) provides a strong forum to share information, discuss common problems, and act cohesively in areas of overall concern. The membership meets monthly to focus on best practices and enhance the leadership skills of its members. Each year the Association sponsors a fall conference that, through a series of workshops, seeks to bring together technical assistance and innovative ideas to broaden the perspective of member counties, related private organizations, and affiliated public agencies as they endeavor to serve people of Missouri with developmental disabilities.
MACDDS continues to have a strong impact on legislative initiatives. Because of the pleasant blend of urban, suburban, and rural member counties, each MACDDS representative reflects the collective political strength and determination of those county voices. MACDDS supports providing people with developmental disabilities with individualized, quality services in their community of choice. MACDDS recognizes and promotes the individuality and autonomy of local county SB40 boards in the provision of supports based on the unique needs of their communities.
Senate Bill 40 is passed by the Missouri legislature authorizing a county tax to support services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Pike County was first to pass SB40 property tax levy
Clay County passed the SB40 property tax levy
Platte County passed the SB40 property tax levy
Cape Girardeau, Nodaway and Scott Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Audrain, Bollinger, Boone, Butler, Cass, Jackson, Jasper, Lafayette, Ste. Genevieve, Stoddard and Wayne Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Dunklin, Howell, Lincoln, Pettis and St. Charles Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Atchison, Barry, Buchanan, Carter, Cole, Greene, Jefferson, Johnson, Morgan and Shannon Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Chariton, Phelps, Saline and St. Louis Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Meeting held in Columbia, MO in early 1979 of Senate Bill 40 directors, which resulted in the formation of the Missouri Association of County Developmental Disabilities Services (MACDDS)
Camden, Carroll, Dent, Gasconade, Laclede, Mississippi, Perry, Polk, Pulaski, St. Francois and Taney Counties and St. Louis City passed the SB40 property tax levy
Douglas, Lawrence and Webster Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Cooper and Montgomery Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Howard and Washington Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Macon, Miller, Monroe, Ray and Wright Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
House Bill 1385 was signed into law, clarifying provisions and language in Senate Bill 40
Christian, Clinton, Texas and Warren Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Franklin, Oregon and Reynolds Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Callaway, Iron and Marion Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Crawford and Ripley Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
The first targeted case management agreements between MACDDS members and DMH were signed
Linn County passed the SB40 property tax levy
Livingston, Madison and New Madrid Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Grundy and Osage Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
Legislation adding “related services" language to ballot was approved
Legislation was approved that eliminated language requiring SB 40 Boards to contract with not-for-profit corporations when contracting for services
Dekalb County passed the SB40 property tax levy
Andrew County passed the SB40 property tax levy
Bates and Daviess Counties passed the SB40 property tax levy
The Missouri Housing Trust Fund awarded MACDDS a $100,000 grant to administer emergency housing assistance services in the ten counties participating in the grant
Moniteau County passed the SB40 property tax levy
MACCDDS and Department of Mental Health-Division of MRDD signed a Memorandum of Agreement outlining an approach to communication between the two organizations
Assisted in obtaining approval of $1 per hour increase for direct service personnel
MACDDS representation on DMH Division of MRDD Provider Management Advisory Teams (MAT)
MACDDS members made over 75 visits to 65 key legislators, resulting in limited reductions to existing funding for community programs and an increase in funding for caseload growth
Coalition for Developmental Disabilities, with representation from MACDDS, MARF and MO-ANCOR, was formed to establish a common legislative platform
Missouri Housing Trust Fund grants amounting to $225,000 awarded to MACDDS for administration of the Emergency Housing Assistance Program
Governor Bob Holden appointed a member of MACDDS to serve on the Missouri Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
MACDDS became a member of the Congress on Disabilities, whose purpose is to advocate for and enhance quality of life for Missourians with disabilities and their families by identifying common values that drive shared policy positions
Seventeen Targeted Case Management agreements are in place between MACDDS members and DMH-Division of MRDD
MACDDS membership increased to 40 members
MACDDS members generated more than $51,176,043 in county tax levy funding
Adair County passed the SB40 property tax levy
Partnership for Hope Waiver established to meet the needs of Medicaid-eligible citizens with IDD with the state and counties splitting the state's Medicaid match dollar amount
Randolph County passed the SB40 property tax levy
Eighty-four counties provide local Targeted Case Management Services
Les Wagner hired as first Executive Director
Newton County passed the SB40 property tax levy
HCBS Final Rule issued by CMS resulting in separation of direct service delivery and case management services
Stone County passed the SB40 property tax levy
New MACDDS Governance Structure with 15-member Board of Directors implemented
Connie Cunningham hired as second Executive Director
COVID-19 pandemic began, staff resigned, office closed
Legislature passed residential rate rebasing using ARPA funds
Barton County passed the SB40 property tax levy
Nancy Pennington hired as third Executive Director
MACDDS partners with MARF to create outreach campaign for Direct Support Professionals
MACDDS meetings resume in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual options
MACDDS Strategic Plan updated
Stone County voters renew the SB40 property tax levy with no sunset
DMH-DD implements wait list due to insufficient funding appropriation for utilization